June 27, 2022

4 Types of Alloy Wheel Damage

Damage to your alloys can happen in multiple different ways, either through a scratch, a dent or even the alloy becoming bent. A worn and damaged alloy can affect the overall aesthetic of your car. 

Driving on a broken alloy can also create further problems for your car. If your alloys do become damaged, you can get them repaired and refurbished through Alloy Wheel Repair today!

How do alloy wheels get damaged?

One of the main ways alloys become damaged is through high impact collisions. These collisions can happen when bumping into anything, but tend to be commonly caused through colliding with a curb at speed. 

Once the impact has been made, there is a possibility that the alloy has become bent, scratched or dented. With this damage, it is possible that the protective layer could have peeled away. 

If this is the case, the alloy is in danger of becoming rusted through environmental enemies such as dust, debris and moisture. 

Can you drive with a damaged alloy?

The biggest cause for concern is that an alloy that is either cracked or bent and still being driven on can cause a horrific accident. The tire on the surrounding area of a cracked or bent rim could become loose, potentially causing an instant tire blowout – depending on the speed you are driving at, an instant tire blowout could cause serious problems. 

A damaged alloy can also cause impairments to the overall steering ability of the car. For these reasons, it is highly important to get your alloys checked regularly, especially if there have been past collisions with curbs, potholes or other vehicles.

Types of alloy wheel damage

Dented or Bent Alloy Wheel

A dent or bent to your alloy can be caused through a large impact with a curb or debris on the roads. This type of damage is the easiest to spot, but one of the most important to get sorted right away. 

Instead of replacing the entire alloy after it becomes dented or bent, our specialists will straighten the alloy. Alloy wheel straightening will have your alloys looking brand new as well as being a cheaper solution to the problem instead of purchasing a new alloy.

Cracked Alloy

As the wheels of a car are under large amounts of pressure; any impact taken by the tyre will then be transferred easily to the alloys, causing a possible crack. Cracks can vary in size, from being a small hairline crack to a large break through the alloy. 

A small crack is easily done, but easily fixed. Our specialists can have you in and out the same day through welding the crack in the alloy back together. 

However, the best cure is prevention. Prevention can be achieved through regular cleaning of your alloys to make sure there are no cracks – dirt can cover cracks, making them impossible to see until they get way too big and a whole new alloy is needed.

Kerbed Alloy

Once an alloy has been kerbed, it can easily be repaired through sanding the impacted area down. If the alloy has been chipped, then a filler can be used to ensure your alloys are back to looking brand new, like the incident never happened. 

Rusted Alloy

Technically, alloy wheels don’t actually rust, they corrode. With rusting, it’s usually a reddish crumbling substance, however, when alloys begin to corrode, white marks begin to appear. 

Alloy wheels are created with an applied layer which stops the corrosion from happening. However, over time through collisions, small areas of the protective layer can chip away, therefore leaving the alloy exposed to the elements. 

To actually see if the protective layer has been chipped away is very difficult, however, our specialists will be able to tell and ensure that you are driving safely on the roads. 

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